.. _test-enviroment-label: ========================== Setup of Test Enviroment ========================== USM QE integrations tests are expected to be executed on virtual or bare metal machines so that for each storage role (eg. `gluster client`, `ceph monitor`, `tendrl console`, ...) there is a dedicated machine (eg. storage client role should not be deployed on the same machine as ceph monitor) and if the role requires multiple machines, a minimal amount of machines needs to be available based on the role needs (eg. having a trusted storage pool on just 2 machines is not very useful for proper integration testing because it would prevent us from testing some important use cases). For this reason, all post installation and test setup configuration steps are automated via ansible playbooks and stored in a separate `usmqe-setup repository`_. You need to deploy test machines using playbooks from there. .. _`qe_server.yml`: https://github.com/usmqe/usmqe-setup/blob/master/qe_server.yml .. _`usmqe-setup repository`: https://github.com/usmqe/usmqe-setup .. _`Tendrl project wide documentation`: https://github.com/Tendrl/documentation/blob/master/deployment.adoc